Since then, Vita Coco has established a sophisticated supply chain throughout the tropics, allowing it to efficiently harvest, process and package coconuts. 此后,VitaCoco在广大的热带地区建立了先进的供应链,因此能够高效地采摘、加工椰子并包装产品。
During the process preparing CoCO_3 using well-proportioned NH_4HCO_3 as precipitator continuously, on the basis of the theory of crystallography and catalysts preparation, the crystallization and growth processes and the other relative factors of spherical Co_3O_4 crystal prepared by chemical precipitation method were thoroughly analyzed. 用NH4HCO3连续均匀沉淀制取碳酸钴的过程中,利用结晶学和催化剂制备的有关理论,深入分析了化学沉淀法制备球形CoCO3晶体的结晶和动态生长过程以及相关的影响因素。